SignalAndNoise Wikia

thedayistopped is the sixth public video on the channel Signal And Noise. Five seconds long, it is a clip from the longer video "Noonesfaultbutmine."




74 79 6b 68 6e 72 71 66 74 6f 67 76 69 71[]

Hexidecimal translates to "tykhnrqftogviq"

Key: argentina

Decrypts to "thedayistopped"


PB 2VAAjggu



Link to Pastebin file

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Binary translates to:

Ik iezx qa a gcgwf uwk. A syoqzxzvng sryr, hz olatq ms rwh shztiq gw yigyz sa bb. Fomvclrkm oetnkia lwyid rth ybyhid. Rranra eipgrmaz jht nvbie fwiinx. Gfbnb n huejvrw nbldj or vm xrr ieil. V wwa't keua jamee tykc thb vt, oi nsj mpry mrji vm, qs thve qnwm vt. I uur'g mpvnk knil fiqe ik. O rb ewagei neq mpr clvgvngkr to ryo. V zcrss Z'rp axdrr keua ahe, gholml vm'a uarurc yxng my johr lqace. Vytrvqnllp tsj. Bb uad gxscxzgiej arybsr anpzlvgo V've jkia umsorv uv fbvpe. Ik gpzhag sevsiq ttvve. Eu, jbkort tyk eyfwft. Wygxrome it ngw gaml colrha'm lhplziegx qg. Thrz abntq be de nbu, qs I cfapq yqturv ox bnb. Out knil lij thv vsgxvgiac oqzxlvatvrc. Qtbn stfxetx.

Key: argentina

It came in a glass box. A shimmering blue, or black if you shined no light on it. Somewhere between solid and liquid. Always rippling but never moving. About a hundred folds in it per inch. I don't know where they got it, or how they made it, if they made it. I don't think they made it. I no longer had the clearance to ask. I guess I'll never know now, though it's hardly left my side since. Especially now. It had properties unlike anything I've ever seen before or since. It almost seemed alive. No, forget the almost. Whatever it was they couldn't duplicate it. That would be my job, if I could figure it out. But they saw the potential immediately. Data storage.

Link to the chronological tumblr URL, key unknown.
